"One & Other" :
There is an interesting art happening going on right now in Trafalgar Square, England:From July 6-October 14th folks are being given 1 hour slots on one of 4 "plinths"=to do whatever they would like to do. This is an art piece and so much of what is being done is art making of one form or another.
I tuned in this past week and as I watched folks I did begin to mull over what I might do if I were one of the folks chosen to have a go at it.
This evening from 11p.m.-12a.m. a man is meditating! It is one of the things I had thought about and it is ,no doubt, challenging . I was going to try & meditate along with him but found myself moved to chant instead & have found it quite calming-as it always is. I'll post some photos and a link to this hours footage in the next few days to make it easier to access but suffice to say I think this is the coolest thing!
You can go
here to view whatever is going on at any given moment & go
here to see this hour.