Sunday, October 11, 2009

Meditation alert

Monday's plinthers have come online and at 9a.m. "Cathy" will be meditating for the world's children & she invites all to join in. Since Monday is Columbus day here in the states & thus a holiday for some, I would think all compassionate meditators would love the opportunity to join in this sangha.
Om shanti
You can go here to read up on more about this.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Images that give me a sense of stillness & calm and joy

I like the simple in life. As close as possible to nature. As little man made and as much God made as possible. I took these today and they are so simple - quiet - lovely - still. Life, unadorned, in all it's natural glory.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

9/11-doves of peace & love

On 9/11/2009 the plinth was of interest to me as I wondered if anyone who presented on that date would do something related to 9/11. Then I saw some of this woman's hour. She had brought with her a collection of dove shaped balloons & as each was released it's wings would flutter. It was so peaceful & moving & beautiful & sad too. You can find her hour here . 9/11 was an odd day this year. Here in N.Y.C. it snuck up on me and then hit like a ton of bricks. The names were read and as it has been several years now, they take on a familiarity. You recall them and the photos that were to be found everywhere in N.Y.C. as relatives posted signs on every street light and wall, in hopes their family member was indeed alive.
I have one strong memory of that first month: At the time I was attending some amazing yoga classes on 34th street, by N.Y.U. medical center . Almost every day I would walk down 34th, on the way to & from class. I always passed this one apartment building and right after 9/11 outside it's first floor window sat the 2 boots of a fireman. They stayed there for what seemed like forever , like the signs posted on the long wall at N.Y.U. (which happened to be the site of where bodies were being brought when found at the Trade Center) . I never fail to recall that simple but poignant site, each time I have walked down that street & passed that building.