Let's talk about protesting for just a minute. I think we all would agree that the world could be a better place. There are things, big & small that need to be done to make everyone's lives better. We know this .
The actions needed to make these things happen can be the sticking point. knowing and doing are 2 very different things.
If you ask my husband he will probably tell you I am an "activist". That means I know what needs to happen & I take actions, when appropriate.
Sometimes, being an activist can be disquieting to one's inner peace. Confronting things & allowing yourself to be impacted & then making the decision to Do Something is not always easy, inexpensive, or popular. But you do sleep better at night knowing you have done what you can and helped in some small way to make a difference & make the world a better place.
With all of that in mind I am encouraging folks to go here & sign the petition regarding the signing of Michael Vick to the Philadelphia Eagles on August 13, 2009 for between 1.6 and 5 million dollars.
I held my breath when I heard the N.F.L. had reinstated Mr. Vick. I wondered "Who would sign this man to play on their team and represent their state?" I know our society can seem to condone actions that are awful and unforgivable & I wondered if folks would hold Mr. Vick accountable or let him slide due to his seemingly considerable talent. I would have taken this very personally if any of my home town teams here in New York took steps to sign Mr. Vick.
When I heard the Philadelphia Eagles had indeed signed Mr. Vick I had to wonder what kind of message they thought they were sending to their fans, their players, their sponsors and to the impressionable kids that follow sports & to the good people of Philadelphia as well as to animal lovers everywhere.
I could go on about the implications , I could vent , write letters , make posters . There is so much one could do in a situation such as this. While I watch what happens next with great interest one thing I have DONE is go here and sign this petition. It is a very little thing, a relatively small step & yet I slept better knowing I had done something ...
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