Some snap shots of the past few days in our family:
Wonderful trees, fantastic food,family & friends,nut crackers, wreaths , festive decorations & lovely lights, fun, gifts & good times. It flies by too quickly and my only regret is that we all do not get together more often and not everyone can be there when we do!

It was a VERY Merry holiday season :
Our annual gathering on Christmas eve at Aunt J. & Uncle P.'s was wonderful!
Our 80th birthday celebration for cousin Helen the next morning was a fun SURPRISE !
Christmas at Aunt P. & Uncle J.'s was filled with old family memories & photos from Christmas past!
And we made the annual visit to the cemetery -leaving with questions that got answered on Christmas day and we were VERY lucky-the big "blizzard" of 2010 came a day after, allowing all to get home safely.
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