Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
All God's creatures great & small
It is winter right now and every day that I get out to walk the forest and the park I spot an array of birds and squirrels and an occasional chip monk. I have taken to carrying bread crumbs & sometimes some nuts to feed the wild life I encounter. After tossing my crusts of bread into the trees today I spotted an entire GANG of squirrels racing towards the food. Here is the one that stood still long enough to be photographed. I love animals. I happen to think they are smarted than we are. I do think we need to co-exist better with our furry friends. I will tell you this much-sitting on the freezing park bench, looking at this guy through my lens as the sun began to set for the day, I felt really happy. That feeling is not something you can buy in a store. That feeling is peaceful connection to all God's creatures. Did I ever mention I do yoga? Now might be the time to throw that into the mix before I start to sound like a tree hugger. I just happen to love and respect life, in all it's forms. As we say in yoga class:Om shanti. (PEACE)
The magic of music
When home this weekend I have been listening to NPR & several times there have been tributes to the music played for President Obama's inauguration. The magic of music tends to be that it resonates within one's soul . The lyrics are important too and the combinations of words & sounds is undeniably powerful.
From "Simple Gifts" by Elder Joseph Brackett:
' Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
'Tis the gift to come down where you ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain'd,
To bow and bend we shan't be asham'd,
To turn , turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right.
Monday, January 19, 2009
The fun of flying flags
I set up the flags today ( the small one comes from my maternal grandparent's house) in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Day today & the inauguration of our 44th President tomorrow. I think people are excited about Mr. Obama because he represents our hopes & dreams. One of my dreams is for peace. Everywhere. Always.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Which way to go?
As an artist I love signs. I love type. I love handwriting. Perhaps I even love graffiti-sometimes. It depends. Growing up in N.Y.C. there was a time when graffiti was everywhere . It presence has diminished & it's artistry has as well. But one can still find interesting pieces here & there & it gives the sights a little interest if it is done well. Here are some examples found today:often overlooked words scratched into cement-usually names and often followed by the lovely symbol of a heart/an unusual spray painted tag (it struck me as calligraphic in nature:as if it was done by pen stroke rather than spray can nozzle ) & the common street sign-perhaps it is pointing out the way to go in life rather than "just" the flow of traffic on the street...?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
More lovely snow
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Peaceful ...
P.S. If you are feeling restless or down or in any way out of sorts-go for a walk & take your walks in nature of some sort. You will return to home/work/life feeling so much better. I have found that over time, walks in nature have the same effect as doing yoga or meditation-a sense of happiness & a perspective of compassion for whatever is going on & driving you out of balance & center.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Peace in 2009
In the 1st day of the new year -a road trip . On the way, a peace sign we spotted on a car in front of us. As we drove to our destination, the sun began to set for the first time in 2009. Sun sets (and rises) tend to be great moments for tuning in to a sense of quiet, peace & beauty. May everyone's 2009 be filled with many lovely sun sets!
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